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Submit Your Press Release is currently looking for publishers who wish to contribute!

All content submissions will be manually reviewed prior to acceptance.

Content submissions should meet all of the following benchmarks in order to be published on

  • Unique, originally material and not be plagiarized from other sources
  • Well-researched and reasonably attempt to reference any sources used
  • Provide a cohesive insight into the main subject matter
  • Be completely free of inaccuracies or offensive content

When you submit a full article, please stick to the following guidelines:

  1. General guidelines

    Keep your articles professional and respectful to the reader. If published, your article will be read by extremely busy marketing professionals who want to find out something new and useful for their job rather than spend their valuable time for another piece of text with opinionated, watery and basic statements.
    We do NOT accept:
    Previously published content, so please submit your own original work.
    Posts covering topics which already covered on the blog.
    Posts that do not provide any useful and meaningful insights.
    Promotional posts for your company or organization.
    Offensive or inaccurate posts.

  2. Blog audience

    When writing an article think of the two reader segment we have:

    • Directors and managers of online marketing: This segment represents about 20% of our readership. They are interested in strategy focused articles.
    • Marketers/small business owners: This segment represents about 80% of our readership. They are interested in tactical articles.

    Posts must provide useful information to either segment.

  3. Topic requirements

    You article should be well-researched and have in-depth and actionable insights into the following topics that usually do very well in our blog:

    • Conversion optimization
    • Analytics
    • E-commerce (with a focus on CRO)
    • Usability
  4. Copy requirements

      • The minimal size of the article is 2,000 words. Posts that are 3,000+ words have a better chance of getting published.
      • Your article should have an introduction, or brief description of the article contents.
      • Your article should have a conclusion or takeaways.

    The article you are going to submit should be:

      • well-written, thus without abusing passive voice, obvious grammar mistakes and typos;
      • well-readable, meaning it should have sub-headlines, bullet-pointed lists and be broken down into paragraphs that are no longer than 6 lines.

Use links to prove you statements or any data you use in the articles. Please refer only to reliable sources.
Articles should have at least 5 images or other visual aid like diagrams or charts.
Please observe all copyrights regarding the images: obtain permissions for use and cite the source.
Highlight two to three key ideas of your article as quotes (list them separately after the article).
Include a short bio (60 words maximum) and your picture. Your bio can include two links to your website (do-follow).

What will happen after you submit an article to us?

It may take us several weeks to review your article, so do not expect us to contact you immediately after we receive your article.
In case we like your article, we will contact you.
If we think that there is still place for improvement in your article, we will send you our suggestions. We limit article reviews to third rounds to speed up the process.